The School Day
Willow and Rowan Room
- 8.45 till 11.45 Morning Session
- 11.45 till 12.15 Lunch
- 12.15 till 3:15 Afternoon Session
- 8:40 Doors Open
- 8:45 Registration
- 3:15 Home Time
- 8:40 Doors Open
- 8:45 Registration
- 12:00 Lunch
- 3:15 Home Time
- 8:40 Doors Open
- 8:50 Registration
- 12:00 Lunch
- 3:20 Home Time
Curriculum Teaching Time
The teaching hours each week are: 21 hours 15 minutes in Key Stage 1 and 23 hours 50 minutes in Key Stage 2
This does not include registration and assembly time. Foundation Stage undertakes teaching time/continuous provision for a total of 23 hours 45 mins. Please note school doors are open from 8.40 a.m. each morning to allow the children personal learning time and to ease congestion.