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London 2024 REMAT visit

We visited London with the Rainbow Education Multi-Academy Trust Schools today! Our head pupils visited the Houses of Parliament, watched a debate in the House of Commons and also visited many well known sites! What an amazing experience...

Y1 and Y2 Chester Zoo Visit 2024

Y2B had a lovely day at the zoo and it was even better because the sun put in an appearance! I think we had some tired children at the end of the day! Thank you to all those, staff and parents, who helped to look after our children. The BEST day at Chester Zoo! The...

Kyle the Kiwi Winner

Well done to Mrs Holcroft – you are always going above and beyond for our children and families. We appreciate everything you do...

We love Cricket

Over the last few weeks, Y2, Y3 and Y3/4 have been learning the skills of cricket from Lancashire Cricket Club club. Today we have been focusing on bowling and aiming at a wicket. The children have really enjoyed...

Events and Activities Autumn Term 23

School open day attended by parents of Reception starters 2024. Christmas panto on 8.12.23 for year groups 2, 3 and 4. Individual and family photo day. Celebrated our cake sale winners – Perrie and Mrs Ellaby! National Poetry Day – children hearing and participating...

Christmas Crackers!!

A huge thank you to Mr and Mrs Pretty and the Friends of District for donating a cracker for each child in school to have alongside their Christmas lunch. 🙌💚 We will no longer need parents to provide a cracker for their child. Thank you for your continued...

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